

Online command-line parsing engine

For all available library's modules and tools from lib collection was deployed "mirrored" command-line service with text/yaml output.
The root of service

For sample, the EMV TLV(s) data parsing with web form and html representation existed at available now under text/yaml representation at

The data for parsing should be posted in the URL query string after question mark "?".

It is useful for quick parsing results thru any web browser or with grabbing tool like curl.

[root@centos5 ~]# curl
# Cheef's parser (Limited version - 5 levels deep only).
# Copyright (C) 2015 Alexander Shevelev.
# lib : "/lib/EMV/" - EMV - Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment Systems
# node : "TLVs"
TLVs:#"95051234567890" # EMV, Tag + Length + Value (TLV) series
- x95:#"95051234567890" # EMV, Terminal Verification Results (TVR)
- tag: "95"
- len: "05" # // 5
- val:#"1234567890" # Terminal Verification Results (TVR).
- B01: "12"
# ___1____ - bit 5, Card appears on terminal exception file
# ______1_ - bit 2, RFU
- B02: "34"
# __1_____ - bit 6, Application not yet effective
# ___1____ - bit 5, Requested service not allowed for card product
# _____1__ - bit 3, RFU
- B03: "56"
# _1______ - bit 7, Unrecognised CVM
# ___1____ - bit 5, PIN entry required and PIN pad not present or not working
# _____1__ - bit 3, Online PIN entered
# ______1_ - bit 2, RFU
- B04: "78"
# _1______ - bit 7, Lower consecutive offline limit exceeded
# __1_____ - bit 6, Upper consecutive offline limit exceeded
# ___1____ - bit 5, Transaction selected randomly for online processing
# ____1___ - bit 4, Merchant forced transaction online
- B05: "90"
# 1_______ - bit 8, Default TDOL used
# ___1____ - bit 5, Script processing failed after final GENERATE AC
# run:0.000

Free version limited with deep and query data size.

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