




Amex Expresspay cards simulation

AMEX Expresspay test cards APDU Commands processing and Response simulation added into online library.

APDU commands processing and simulated responses following Expresspay card specification requirements or EMV Contactles kernel 4 (when it is possible).

At the moment supported next APDU Commands:
- SELECT PPSE - When PPSE selection supported by card profile simulator reply with card application(s) data;
- SELECT AID - For card profile AID selection ADF data will be returned;
- GPO - In case GPO request with PDOL data simulator return expected Tags;
- READ SFI - For SFI records requests returning correspondent Tags;
- GET DATA - to return ATC value for contactless-swipe cases;

Online ARQC or Signed Dynamic Application Data Tag 0x9F4B (CDA cases) calculated for GPO responses.
Under development:
- Expresspay Mobile profiles;
- Expresspay CARD 04 has known minor issue due to PPSE absene;

These onsite card simulators API with necessary cryptography used for contactless cards simulation at mobile devices with NFC modules.

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