Diners and Discover D-PAS contactless simulation at our HCE Bridge application
Diners D-PAS contactless test cards released and simulation available via Host Card Emulation (HCE) bridge application.
APDU commands processing and simulated responses following D-PAS contactless card specification requirements or EMV Contactles Kernel 6 (when it is possible).
At the moment few Diners and Discover Contactless D-PAS cards from Diners Acquirer-Terminal End-to-End Test Plan can be simulated. Contactless-swipe and other D-PAS Contactless cards sets simulation under development.
Supported next APDU Commands:
- SELECT PPSE - When PPSE selection supported by card profile simulator reply with card application(s) data;
- SELECT AID - For card profile AID selection ADF data will be returned;
- GPO - In case GPO request with PDOL data simulator return expected Tags;
- READ SFI - For SFI records requests returning correspondent Tags;
- Generate AC - Card simulator calculate ARQC, TC or AAC Cryptograms;
- CDA cases with Signed Dynamic Application Data (SDAD) calculation;
Application available on Google Play for Android devices with HCE.