This is site - the frontend to online tools around financial transaction messages, data exploring, mining, parsing and simulation.
The environment behind is the result of experience and best practice used for payment services development.
Apart of library lookup, it is require approved user access to our online tools and applications.

Knowledge library
We share our knowledge and keep our library with simple design, but powerfull background tools.
These are the common areas of our interests:
- ISO 8583 protocols.
- non-ISO 8583 data.
- EMV / NFC card traces.
- EMV / NFC data Tags.
- Card brand standards.
- National cardschemes.
- Settlement files.
- PCI DSS cryptography.
Test and Research tools
We implement our core engines and provide online tools which help development laboratories to reduce time required for education and research. We permanently do:
- Financial data parsing.
- Test hosts simulation.
- Test cards processing.
- NFC Cards simulation.
- Design Test cases.
- Card info discovery.
Customisation possible with extra support options.

Fair prices
Online tools access
Perfect for FinTech Integration, Testers and Analysts.
- 1 user account.
- Payer email is an account.
- Parsing tools included.
- Handy Tools included.
- Automatic access granting.
- Expired accounts cleanup.
- Support in background.
Extra support
As we agree
To anyone who wants something special.
- Shared account for team.
- Consultation calls.
- Custom card profiles.
- Allocate test host.
- Offline tools design.
- On-site support.
- Support your projects.
Ready to start?
Watch guides on YouTube
- Site interface guide.
- EMV TLV data parsing example.
- Smartcard APDU traces parsing example.
- Financial messages (ISO 8583) parsing example.
- Host simulators web queries and HTTPS link.
- HCE Bridge NFC test cards emulation.